There is no better time to join!

Only  $77

per month
What other soul-led practitioners
are saying about this work

"After resisting this path for years, Rachele helped me work through many blocks that were keeping me from fully stepping into my power and calling as a coach. Her support has allowed me to confidently move forward in my business, offering intuitive guidance and tools that have been absolutely invaluable as I support other women as a coach and co-visionary." 


"Rachele encouraged me to do my business my way. I was feeling pressure to fit in with what I thought I was "supposed" to do and after working with her I feel more confident and inspired to launch!"


"I have been in the self-development and healing field for many years, doing it professionally, too. Working with Rachele, I felt safe and supported while walking away with tools and techniques I can use for years to come. I am forever grateful to have been guided to work with Rachele!"

HC, Canada

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder

Answers to commonly asked questions

  • Is this business coaching?
    This is group mentorship program for women who are becoming leaders in their respective fields as service providers and are seeking mentorship, support and continued growth on how to support themselves AND their clients. While I may occasionally provide insights, resources, and tools that may have a direct impact on your business, the focus is not on strategy but on how you can better serve while taking care of yourself, holistically.
  • How long is this program?
    This is a monthly membership with a three-month commitment required to start. After the initial three months, it is considered month-to-month and you can end your membership whenever you feel called to :)
  • When are the Bi-Weekly calls and what can we expect?
    The calls will be during the week and are contingent on the availability and preferences of the group. You can expect a blend of group and hot seat coaching and workshop-style trainings. All calls will be recorded and replays made available to you for the duration of your membership.
  • What are some of the topics we will explore?
    To name just a few:
    Human design and business
    Nervous system regulation with launching
    Understanding how you attract more clients
    Embodiment of your work
    How relationships impact your business
    How to energetically clear and ground after working with clients
    How to balance work and life
    Feminine leadership skills
    Embodiment and somatic practices to support you and your clients
    Understanding the signs of functional freeze, anxiety, or avoidance
    Avoiding burn out
    Feminine goal setting
    Knowing when you’ve hit a limit or walk with a client and it’s best to refer them to someone else
    How to sent boundaries in business and relationships
    Knowing if you’re aligned with your purpose
    Social media tips and support
    How to support yourself and your business holistically
    Spiritual practices to expand your growth and your business growth
    Hormonal impacts on business and life
    Open Q&A's

About your host, mentor, guide, and fellow changemaker

Rachele has supported women for over ten years as a therapist and coach, and has an entire toolkit of resources to teach and mentor other soul-led practitioners as they support their clients. 

The soul-led entrepreneurs and movers-and-shakers she works with are dropping the “roles” they’ve had to adopt to be loved and accepted in work and relationships as they authentically align to their truth, voice, and soul purpose. With her client-forward, intuitive support, Rachele has helped countless women rediscover their vitality through a female-led approach to life, business, and love, empowering them to embody all parts of their true selves. With over a decade of experience building her own successful practice and a mission to empower other coaches, healers, and service-based providers, Rachele is passionate about creating opportunities that she herself would have loved to have when she was getting started as a therapist and coach.
Finally, you never have to say, "I wish I had a me" again. 

Receive the support you give to others when you join the She.For.We mentorship community!
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  • 02Payment
Register for the SHE.FOR.WE Membership Community

Contact information

Billing address

I understand and agree to the following terms:

I understand the value and benefit of being in this container and commit to showing up at least once a month to fully participate.

I agree to be supportive and cordial with the other women in this program, fostering an environment of encouragement and respect.

Everything created or co-created during this program belongs to Rachele Kehler and may be shared by her.

I acknowledge that Rachele Kehler offers no promises or guarantees regarding results. I am responsible for any changes in my personal, relational, or business life, as well as my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Any suggestions made during the group are my choice to follow.

I agree not to share any direct links (Zoom, membership page, Telegram, etc.) with anyone outside the program.

If my payment method fails, I will provide an alternative option to complete my payment.

I understand Rachele Kehler holds the rights to any content shared within the group or on Telegram. If any names are used for marketing purposes, consent will be requested. I am encouraged to share my experience on social media, while being mindful not to share anyone else’s personal stories or viewpoints.

There are no refunds for this program once it begins.

I commit to contributing to a safe, inclusive, and supportive space. I will respect multiple views and engage in kind communication. Bullying, unkind behavior, or intentional cruelty will not be tolerated. Rachele reserves the right to remove anyone from the group (without refund) if these boundaries are violated.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Today's payment
  • She.For.We Mentorship Community (CA)$77
  • Future payments
  • $77

All prices in CAD