Nothing is more sacred than a woman coming back to her soul calling.

I'm so excited to see you'll be joining us for Lead Like A Woman. To receive your ticket, complete registration below. 

"I didn't know what my purpose was, but because of working with you I realized I'm meant to be a coach and I'm moving to South America! You showed me what's possible." 


"I decided to launch my business my way, and it feels so much easier! Thank you for reminding me to do it differently!" 


"I would never have been able to attract this kind of life and relationship if I hadn't been working with you!"


"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder

Why VIP? Elevate your experience with an opportunity to receive personalized coaching on your feminine leadership style in life, love and business. This is an additional hour to focus on you, your leadership, your questions + tools that helped me in my biz + a credit towards The Round Table Mastermind. The VIP experience is for the woman that is all in on herself and her journey of stepping into female leadership.

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Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

One VIP Ticket Lead Like A Woman 

With your VIP ticket, you'll have access to:

Bonus VIP coaching calls after each session

The private Telegram community where you'll receive support from Rachele and networking with like-minded women

The Lead Like A Woman VIP portal where you can join us live, or catch the replays, and stay up to date on alllll the latest as we approach the event date

Bonus surprise content to help you woman-ize your life and business

The replays through August 30

An exclusive invite and prizes will be sent out to those who attend live

  • Total payment
  • 1xVIP Ticket Lead Like A Woman$37

All prices in USD